On November 12, 2010, Ashley McMillan of WDAZ-TV, Devils Lake, ND, visited Cando to interview a number of Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant recipients. The news story ran on WDAZ-TV at 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 10:00 p.m. You are able to view the video and more complete information on all grants awarded to date below to learn about the impact these grants are having on the City of Cando and the surrounding area.
Impact-Cando Connection Fund Grant Awards
"When somebody shares, everybody wins."
This page will be updated on a regular basis with grants awarded through the Impact-Cando Connection Fund.
| Cando Area Food Pantry
Feeding Our Student Program - 2024/2025
($75.00 designated during 2024 Giving Hearts Day event plus $75.00 Match, $500.00 designated by the 2024 CANDO Tender Heart GHD Drawing Winners Tom and Loralie Fritel and $250.00 designated by the 2024 CANDO Pioneer Hearts GHD Drawing Winners Pastor Bonnie and Tom Weaver.) Additional $6000.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will provide partial funding for the Feeding Our Students Program ensuring that each North Star Public School student has adequate nutritional sources to succeed in school. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, and elementary students are able to use the BackPack Program for weekend meals. A food tote, filled with protein-rich items that can be easily picked up and eaten when needed, is made available to high school students during the school week. By providing sufficient nuitrition to students needed for their educational foundation, they can be successful in school and life, which benefits the child and the community.
Feeding Our Student Program - 2023/2024
($85.00 designated during 2023 Giving Hearts Day event plus $85.00 Match and $500.00 designated by the 2023 CANDO Tender Heart GHD Drawing Winner Mary Martin.) Additional $830.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the Feeding Our Students Program ensuring that each North Star Public School student has adequate nutritional sources to succeed in school. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, and elementary students are able to use the BackPack Program for weekend meals. A food tote, filled with protein-rich items that can be easily picked up and eaten when needed, is made available to high school students during the school week. By providing sufficient nuitrition to students needed for their educational foundation, they can be successful in school and life, which benefits the child and the community.
BackPack Program - 2022/2023
$1,500.00 ($190.00 designated during 2022 Giving Hearts Day event plus $190.00 Match.) Additional $1,120.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child who is in need has adequate nutritional sources to succeed in school. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but there is no local access to a prepared meal program over the weekend. This program provides food for the weekend, thereby securing sufficient nutrition needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life, which benefits the child and the community.
BackPack Program - 2021/2022
$1,500.00 ($115.00 designated during 2021 Giving Hearts Day plus $115.00 Match, $500.00 designated by Cyndi Farbo, Farmers Union Insurance as the CANDO Pioneer Heart GHD Drawing Designation Winner, and $500.00 designated by Melissa St. Michaels as the CANDO Outside the Lines GHD Drawing Designation Winner.) Additional $270.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child who is in need has sufficient nutrition to succeed in school. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but they have no local access to a prepared meal program over the weekend. This program provides the nutritional resources needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life, which benefits the child and the community.
BackPack Program - 2020/2021
$2,000.00 ($70.00 designated during 2020 Giving Hearts Day event plus $70.00 Match.) Additional $1,860.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child who is in need has sufficient nutrition to succeed in school. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but they have no local access to food over the weekend. This program provides the nutritional resources needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life, which benefits the child and community.
Food Purchases for Cando Area Food Pantry - 2019
$3,000.00 ($620.00 designated during 2019 Giving Hearts Day event plus $620.00 Match). Additional $1,760.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for food purchases for the food pantry which will provide a consistent, well-balanced assortment of food and personal hygiene products to the clients of the Cando Area Food Pantry. This supports nutritional needs for children to learn, grow and be healthier, and helps adults to be healthier and more productive members of the community.
Food Purchases for Cando Area Food Pantry - 2018
$3,000.00 ($1,050.00 designated during 2018 Giving Hearts Day plus $1,050.00 Match, and $500.00 designated by the Christian Fellowship Men's Church Group as the organization making a gift during the 2018 Giving Hearts Day Event that moved us over $200,000.00 raised since inception of the Impact-Cando Connection Fund.) Additional $400.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for food purchases for the food pantry which fills in the gaps of unavailable staple items from the primary source of shelf stable food in our region. This supports nutritional needs for children to learn, grow and be healthier, and helps adults to be healthier and more productive members of the community.
BackPack Program - 2017/2018
$2,000.00 ($115.00 designated during 2017 Giving Hearts Day event plus $115.00 Match.) Additional $1,770.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child who is in need has sufficient nutrition on the weekend. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but they have no local access to food over the weekend. This program provides the nutritional resources needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life, which benefits the child and community.
BackPack Program - 2016/2017
$2,000.00 ($75.00 designated during 2016 Giving Hearts Day event plus $75.00 Match.) Additional $1,850.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child who is in need has sufficient nutrition on the weekend. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but they have no local access to food over the weekend. This program provides the nutritional resources needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life.
BackPack Program - 2015/2016
$1,000.00 ($70.00 designated during 2015 Giving Hearts Day event plus $70.00 Match.) Additional $860.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child who is in need has sufficient nutrition on the weekend. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but they have no local access to food over the weekend. This program provides the nutritional resources needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life.
BackPack Program - 2014/2015
$1,000.00 ($60.00 designated during 2014 Giving Hearts Day event plus $60.00 Match.) Additional $880.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child in need has sufficient nutrition on the weekend. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but they have no local access to food over the weekend. This program provides the nutritional resources needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life.
BackPack Program - 2013/2014
$1,000.00 ($100.00 designated during 2013 Giving Hearts Day event plus $100.00 Match, $250.00 designated by the First 8 Teams Registered Drawing Winners Roddy Bergdahl, Charles Busche, Jim Eggl, and Rusty Papachek, $250.00 designated by Megan Gowan, Person Traveling the Farthest, and $250.00 designated by the Hole Sponsor Drawing Winner The Gores Brothers – Pat, Jerry, and John Gores during the July 27, 2013 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $50.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child in need had sufficient nutrition on the weekend. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but they have no local access to food over the weekend. This program provided the nutritional resources needed for their educational foundation so they could be successful in school and life.
Winter Months Matching Contributions Campaign - 2011 $1,000.00
Awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This matching grant encouraged community support of the Cando Area Food Pantry during the winter months, when the population they serve increased, so that adequate food resources were available when assistance was requested.
Completion of Freezer Purchase, Signage, and Food Resources - 2010 $500.00 ($250.00 designated by the First Place Gross Team of Kip Haugen, Tanner Jones, Rusty Papachek, and Bobby Reuter, and $250.00 designated by the winners of an additional drawing for a non-placing golf team of Charles Busche, Max Erdle, Pat Gores, Jerry Gores, and Max Piepkorn during the June 12, 2010 Cando Connection Golf Tournament.)
This grant provided funding for the completion of the purchase of a freezer for the Cando Area Food Pantry, which is a necessary piece of equipment for operation of the organization; signage which will direct potential families to the food pantry location; and food resources to provide balanced, healthy food stock for the food pantry.
Partial Purchase of Freezer - 2009
Awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the purchase of a freezer for the Cando Area Food Pantry, which is a necessary piece of equipment for operation of the organization.
BackPack Program - 2022/2023
$1,500.00 ($190.00 designated during 2022 Giving Hearts Day event plus $190.00 Match.) Additional $1,120.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will provide partial funding for the BackPack Program ensuring that each child who is in need has adequate nutritional sources to succeed in school. Many children utilize the school breakfast and lunch programs during the week, but there is no local access to a prepared meal program over the weekend. This program provides food for the weekend, thereby securing sufficient nutrition needed for their educational foundation so they can be successful in school and life, which benefits the child and the community.
Cando Arts Council
Cando Audi Theatre - Cando Audi Theatre Gallery Sign - 2024 $500.00
($125.00 designated during the 2024 Giving Hearts Day event plus $125.00 Match, and $250.00 designated by the 2024 CANDO Outside the Lines GHD Drawing Winner Betsy Steele - In Memory of Tom Steele.)
This grant will provide funding for the purchase of a new gallery sign to replace an old, outdated sign. Updating the sign will promote greater foot-traffic and awareness of the gallery, shows, and space. The Cando Arts Council runs the art gallery at the Cando Audi Theatre.
Cando Audi Theatre Entryway Flooring Installation Project - Year 2 - 2023 $500.00
($165.00 designated during the 2023 Giving Hearts Day event plus $165.00 match.) Additional $170.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the installation of suitable new flooring in the Cando Audi Theatre entryway that will stand the test of time, thereby addressing ongoing safety and aesthetic concerns.
Cando Audi Theatre Entryway Flooring Project - 2022 $500.00
This grant is a joint effort with the Cando Audi Theatre.
($25.00 designated during the 2022 Giving Hearts Day event plus $25.00 match, and $250.00 designated by Curtiss Mundahl, CANDO Inside the Lines GHD Drawing Winner.) Additional $200.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for suitable new flooring in the Cando Audi Theatre entryway that will stand the test of time, thereby addressing ongoing safety and aesthetic concerns.
Costume/Prop Room Upgrade - 2021 $500.00 ($50.00 designated during the 2021 Giving Hearts Day event plus $50.00 Match.) Additional $400.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the upgrade of the Costume/Prop Room at the Cando Audi Theatre making storage and preservation of items secure and easier to access.
Art Gallery Lighting Upgrade - 2020 $1,000.00 ($50.00 designated during the 2020 Giving Hearts Day event plus $50.00 Match.) Additional $900.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to replace the old fluorescent lighting in the gallery with brighter, cleaner lighting for classes and workshops that require detail work (pen/pencil/needlework, etc.) and reading printed materials for art club classes and meetings. This will alleviate eye strain, make the projects "truer" for the students and enchnace the attendees' experience as well as that of the presenter or instructors.
Replacement of Theatrical Scrim for Cando Audi Theatre Stage - 2019 $1,000.00 ($250.00 designated by Curtiss Mundahl as the CANDO Pioneer Heart GHD drawing winner during Giving Hearts Day 2019, and $250.00 designated by the Oldest Female Golfer, Vee Erickstad, during the July 20, 2019 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $500.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for a new theatrical scrim for the Cando Audi Theatre stage, replacing the existing theatrical scrim, which is very old and cannot be repaired. The new theatrical scrim will provide a professional appearance, and will be used for stage productions, concerts, projection of backdrop, lighting and other special effects for programs. The Cando Arts Council promotes arts awareness and education to all residents in the Cando/Towner County area.
Cando Audi Theatre Kitchen Appliance Upgrade - 2018 $1,000.00 ($125.00 designated during 2018 Giving Hearts Day event plus $125.00 Match, and $250.00 designated by Wilson's Body and Paint, Hole Sponsor Drawing Winner during the July 21, 2018 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $500.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the purchase of new appliances for the Cando Audi Theatre Kitchen, located off the gallery in the lower level of the building, replacing outdated appliances and improving the aesthetics and reliability of the appliances that will be used at art shows, receptions for programs at the theatre, as well as outside events hosted at the facility. The Cando Arts Council promotes arts awareness and education to all residents in the Cando/Towner County area.
Tigirlily Concert and Lyceum - 2017 $2,000.00 ($500.00 designated by Logan Beck following the Run Cando Run! Event, $300.00 designated during Giving Hearts Day events, and $300 Match.) Additional $900.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to bring Tigirlily, a ND-based vocal duo with connections to Wolford, ND, now living in Nashville, TN, to Cando, ND for a school lyceum and evening concert at the Audi Theatre. The goal of the Cando Arts Council is to expose children and adults to these ND artists to demonstrate that no matter where you come from you can reach for and begin to achieve your dreams.
Cando Arts Council's Adult Musical - 2014 $1,500.00 ($425.00 designated during the 2014 Giving Hearts Day event and $425.00 Match.) Additional $650.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the annual adult musical presented at the Audi Building in Cando.
Chickering Grand Piano Relocation and Repair - 2013
($325.00 designated during 2013 Giving Hearts Day event, $500.00 designated by R.J. and Katie Miller-Cando Dairy Queen, as the donors who helped the Impact-Cando Connection Fund reach the $100,000.00 fundraising mark, $125.00 designated by Gerry Holien as the Oldest Female Golfer, and $250.00 designated by the Hole Sponsor Drawing Winner The Gores Brothers – Pat, Jerry, and John Gores during the July 27, 2013 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $300.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for the relocation and repair of the Chickering Grand Piano, used to accompany the children and adult musicals, high school productions, various musical concerts, and recitals. The Chickering Grand Piano is back home at the Audi for the 100th year of the Audi Building, and will provide a wonderful, full, rich sound to enhance concerts and musicals, bringing more enjoyment to the pianist and the audience.
Cando Arts Council’s Children's Musical - 2011 $1,500.00
Awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the annual children's musical presented at the Audi Building in Cando.
Assistance with Cando Arts Council’s Shared Electricity Expenses at The Audi Building - 2010 $1,500.00 ($250.00 designated by the winner of a drawing from the 2010 Hole Sponsors, who was the Cando Greenhouse, during the June 12, 2010 Cando Connection Golf Tournament.) Additional $1,250.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for shared electricity costs (heat and lights) at the Audi Building in Cando, which will enable The Audi Building to remain open for the Council/Arts Center events throughout the year.
Assistance with Cando Arts Council’s Shared Electricity Expenses at The Audi Building - 2009 $1,500.00
($250.00 designated by Coy Papachek, Pat Papachek, Randy Papachek, and Rusty Papachek, who tied for First Place Gross Score Team during the July 4, 2009 Cando Connection Golf Tournament.) Additional $1,250.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for shared electricity costs (heat and lights) at the Audi Building in Cando, which will enable The Audi Building to remain open for the Council/Arts Center events throughout the year.
Cando Audi Theatre Entryway Flooring Project - 2022 $500.00
This grant is a joint effort with the Cando Audi Theatre.
($25.00 designated during the 2022 Giving Hearts Day event plus $25.00 match, and $250.00 designated by Curtiss Mundahl, CANDO Inside the Lines GHD Drawing Winner.) Additional $200.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will provide partial funding for suitable new flooring in the Cando Audi Theatre entryway that will stand the test of time, thereby addressing ongoing safety and aesthetic concerns.
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| Cando Baseball Association
Batting Cages and Backstop - 2024
($100.00 designated during 2024 Giving Hearts Day event plus $100.00 Match, and $250.00 designated by 2024 CANDO Outside the Lines GHD Drawing Winner Betsy Steele - In Memory of Tom Steele.) Additional $550.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will provide partial funding for completing the new cement-base batting cages and backstop, alleviating the ongoing water and mud problems on the field.
Field Renovation - 2023
($15.00 designated during 2023 Giving Hearts Day event plus $15.00 Match.) Additional $970.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for renovation of the Cando baseball field, which includes sod and irrigation in the outfield, a new backstop, and two new cement base batting cages, alleviating the ongoing water and mud problems.
Updated Equipment and Protective Gear - 2022
($50.00 designated during 2022 Giving Hearts Day event plus $50.00 Match.) Additional $400.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for the purchase of new equipment and protective gear to keep players in the safest enviornment possible as they participate in Cando Baseball Association's programs.
Cando Baseball Field Batting Cage Addition - 2021
($15.00 designated during the 2021 Giving Hearts Day event plus $15.00 Match.) Additional $470.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for an additional batting cage, including new netting, cables and protective screens, to accommodate the high number of baseball players in the program from Cando and the surrounding area.
Purchase of New Baseball Field Safety Equipment and Cando Baseball Field Outfield Renovation - 2019
($20.00 designated during 2019 Giving Hearts Day event plus $20.00 Match.) Additional $2,960.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for the purchase of new baseball field safety equipment, and renovation of the outfield at the Cando Baseball Field, to keep players safe and provide a more comfortable surface for playing as they participate in Cando Baseball Association's programs.
Updated Equipment and Protective Gear - 2018
($25.00 designated during 2018 Giving Hearts Day event plus $25.00 Match, and $250.00 designated by the First Place Gross Team of Doug Eggl, Matt Eggl, Aaron Peyerl, and Jesse Vote during the July 21, 2018 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $700.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for the purchase of new equipment and protective gear to keep players safe as they participate in Cando Baseball Association's programs.
Completion of Fencing Upgrade to North Fence - 2017
($250.00 designated by the First Place Gross Team of Doug Eggl, Matt Eggl, Aaron Peyerl, and Jesse Vote, $200.00 designated by the team of Braydon Gourneau, Logan Lund, Tim Smith, and Matt Swanson, $200.00 designated by the team of Jacob Hagler, Tanner Komrosky, Sarah Pederson, and Val Pederson, $200.00 designated by the team of Jon Bayman, Brent Kurtti, Lori Kurtti, and Kathy Skramstad during the July 22, 2017 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $150.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the completion of the fencing upgrade on the north side of the baseball diamond, by working with volunteers and youth, fostering their understanding of teamwork to reach a common goal.
MN Twins Match Grant for New Dugouts and Field/Fencing Improvements - 2016
Awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial required match funding for the MN Twins Grant secured to build new dugouts and field/fencing improvements, and by working with volunteers and youth, fostering their understanding of teamwork to reach a common goal.
Program Operational Costs and Maintenance Expenses - 2015
($250.00 designated by the Non-Placing Team Drawing Winners - Gerry Holien, Duane Holien, Rick Holien and Kent Haugen, during the July 18, 2015 Impact-Cando Connection Golf Tournament.) Additional $750.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for program operational costs and maintenance expenses, and the participants with safe equipment and fields.
Program Operational Costs and Maintenance Expenses - 2014
($25.00 designated during the 2014 Giving Hearts Day event plus $25.00, and $250.00 designated by Doug Eggl, Matt, Eggl, Aaron Peyerl, and Jesse Vote, First Place Gross Team during the July 19, 2014 Impact-Cando Connection Golf Tournament.) Additional $200.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for program operational costs and maintenance expenses, and the participants with safe equipment and fields.
Program Operational Costs and Maintenance Expenses - 2013
($250.00 designated by the First 8 Teams Registered Drawing Winners Roddy Bergdahl, Charles Busche, Jim Eggl, and Rusty Papachek at the July 27, 2013 Impact-Cando Connection Golf Tournament.) Additional $250.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for program operational costs and maintenance expenses, and the participants with safe equipment and fields.
Program Operational Costs and Maintenance Expenses - 2012 $500.00 ($500.00 designated by Tanner Komrosky, Jacob Hagler, Matt Swanson, and Darren Young, First Place Net Team during the July 21, 2012 Impact-Cando Connection Golf Tournament.)
This grant provided funding for program operational costs and maintenance expenses, and the participants with safe equipment and fields.
Program Operational Costs and Maintenance Expenses - 2011 $2,750.00 ($250.00 designated by Charles Busche, Oldest Male Golfer, $250.00 designated by Roddy Bergdahl, Terry Ellingson, Elliott Hitt, and Gary Hitt, First Place Net Score Team, and $250.00 designated by Zack Kennedy, Tanner Komrosky, Jesse Vote, and Kodie Vote, Non-Placing Team Drawing Winner, on June 18, 2011.) Additional $2,000.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for program operational costs and maintenance expenses, and the participants with safe equipment and fields.
Updated Equipment and Protective Gear - 2022
Can-Do Senior Citizens, Inc.
Bus Barn Expansion - 2024
($100.00 designated during 2024 Giving Hearts Day event plus $100.00 Match.) Additional $300.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will be used for partial funding to expand the bus barn that houses the Can-Do Senior Citizens, Inc.'s vehicles. With the recent delivery of the third transportation vehicle, the bus barn is too small to safely house the three vehicles now in service to the Towner County area, which provide on-demand service to any destination in North Dakota.
Purchase of Expansion Van - Mid-Sized Vehicle - Year 2 - 2023
($730.00 designated during 2023 Giving Hearts Day event plus $730.00 Match, $500.00 designated by CANDO Caring Heart Individual/Family GHD Drawing Winner Rep. Kathy Frelich, and $500.00 designated by CANDO Inside the Lines GHD Drawing Winner Kathy Cartwright.) Additional $40.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will be used for partial funding of the Can-Do Senior Citizens, Inc.'s new expansion van - mid-sized vehicle project. The new 8-passenger ADA accessible van will enable safe, reliable, expanded transit options for residents in the Towner County area as they provide on-demand service to any destination in North Dakota.
Purchase of Expansion Van - Mid-Sized Vehicle - 2022
($30.00 designated during Giving Hearts Day events plus $30.00 Match, and $500.00 designated by Craig Agneberg, CANDO Outside the Lines GHD Drawing Winner.) Additional $40.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant was used for partial funding of the Can-Do Senior Citizens, Inc.'s new expansion van - mid-sized vehicle project. The new 8-passenger ADA accessible van will enable safe, reliable, expanded transit options for residents in the Towner County area as they provide on-demand service to any destination in North Dakota.
"Let's Keep the Wheels on the Bus Going 'Round and 'Round Match Grant and Addendum - 2014
$3,000.00 and $1,000.00
(Initial $160.00 designated and $160.00 matched for the new mini-bus purchase during 2014 Giving Hearts Day Event. Subsequent Addendum designation of $250.00 by Gerry Holien, Oldest Female Golfer during the July 19, 2014 Impact-Cando Connection Golf Tournament, and $702.00 designated by Logan Beck from the August 1, 2014 Run Cando Run! 5K Walk/Run Event.) Additional $2,680.00 for the initial match and $48.00 for the subsequent Addendum awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant was used for partial funding of the Can-Do Senior Citizens, Inc.'s new mini-bus project for the Cando Public Transit. The new 14-passenger ADA accessible mini-bus replaced the existing 2002 mini-bus due to age and mileage. The new vehicle enables safe, reliable transit for residents in the Towner County area.
Cando Arts Council / City of Cando / Cando Audi Theatre
Cando Audi Theatre Entryway Flooring Project - 2022 $500.00
This grant is a joint effort with the Cando Arts Council.
($250.00 designated by Curtiss Mundahl, CANDO Inside the Lines GHD Drawing Winner during 2022 Giving Hearts Day event.) Additional $250.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will provide partial funding for suitable new flooring in the Cando Audi Theatre entryway that will stand the test of time, thereby addressing ongoing safety and aesthetic concerns.
Cando Audi Theatre Concession Room Floor and Menu Board Replacement - 2019
($250.00 designated by Curtiss Mundahl as the CANDO Pioneer Heart GHD drawing winner during 2019 Giving Hearts Day event.) Additional $750.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the replacement of the replacement of the Concession Room floor, and the purchase of a flat screen TV to be used as a menu board and to promote coming events and movies at the Cando Audi Theatre.
Cando Audi Theatre Kitchen Upgrade - 2018
($100.00 designated during 2018 Giving Hearts Day event plus $100.00 Match, and $250.00 designated by Wilson's Body and Paint as the Hole Sponsor Drawing Winner during the July 21, 2018 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $550.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the replacement of the sink, counter, cupboards and other surface areas, as deemed necessary and within budget, for the Cando Audi Theatre Kitchen, located off the gallery in the lower level of the buiding, improving the aesthetics of the food preparation area that will be used at art shows, receptions for programs at the theatre, as well as outside events hosted at the facility.
Concession Room Cupboards and Countertop - 2017
($500.00 designated by Midco as the Hole Sponsor Drawing Winner during the July 22, 2017 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $700.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding to purchase cupboards and additional countertop, so food products are not sitting on the ground and are stored securely in the cupboards out of sight. The additional countertop will allow service of customers more quickly and efficiently.
City of Cando / Cando Audi Theatre
Projector Room Air Conditioning - 2013
($500.00 designated by R.J. and Katie Miller-Cando Dairy Queen, as the donors who helped the Impact-Cando Connection Fund reach the $100,000.00 fundraising mark.)
This grant was used for partial funding to complete the purchase and installation of air conditioning equipment for the projector room at the Cando Audi Theatre, which needed to have a maintained room temperature for the new digital equipment to run consistently and efficiently.
Digital Conversion Project Match Grant and Addendum - 2012
$2,500.00 and $500.00
Initial $2,500.00 grant awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Advisory Board. (Subsequent addendum designation of $250.00 by Gerry Holien, Oldest Female Golfer and $250.00 by the winners of an additional drawing for a non-placing golf team of Brad Bergdahl, Roddy Bergdahl, Mitch Elsperger, and Bryan Haugen, during the July 21, 2012 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.)
This grant was used for partial funding to complete the Cando Audi Theatre's Digital Conversion Project. The upgrade to a digital format for films was due to a major change in the film industry, which necessitated the conversion.
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City of Cando / Cando Community Library
Large Print Book Collection Expansion Project - 2024
($100.00 designated through 2024 Giving Hearts Day event plus $100.00 Match.) Additional $300.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will provide partial funding to expand the large print book collection of the library for patrons who prefer to read books in that format, an outreach program to provide books for residents of the Towner County Living Center, and which will be available for patrons utilizing the Cando Community Library.
Book Collection Expansion Project - 2023
($65.00 designated through 2023 Giving Hearts Day event plus $65.00 Match, and $1,000.00 designated by Gabrielle Miller, $300,000 Fundraising Mark Reached GHD Drawing Winner.) Additional $370.00 awarded by Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to complete an expansion of the book collection in four sections of the library, thereby enhancing options available for patrons utilizing the Cando Community Library.
Cando Community Library Reorganization Project - 2022 $600.00
($50.00 designated through 2022 Giving Hearts Day event plus $50.00 Match, and $500.00 designated by First United Bank [formerly Ramsey National Bank], CANDO Pioneer Heart GHD Drawing Winner.)
This grant provided partial funding to complete a reorganization of the library, including the purchase of an additional shelving unit, a laptop to accommodate the new scanning system which will facilitate the placement of barcodes on all books resulting in easier and faster check out, and associated supplies to complete the reorganization project. Following the reorganization, the laptop will be used by the library secretary and treasurer to retain important library documents and financial programs.
Overdrive Consortium - 2021 $500.00
($190.00 designated through 2021 Giving Hearts Day event plus $190.00 Match.) Additional $120.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to launch the Overdrive Consortium system allowing patrons to access more literature resources by checking out books online.
Summer Reading Program - 2020 $1,400.00
($200.00 designated through 2020 Giving Hearts Day event plus $200.00 Match, $500.00 designated by Nichole Fritel as the CANDO Caring Heart Family/Individual Giving Hearts Day Winner, and $500.00 designated by Robert Delorme as the CANDO Outside the Lines Giving Hearts Day Drawing Winner.)
This grant provided partial funding for the Summer Reading Program to reach youth in Towner County and provide them with reading materials and fun activities to do throughout the summer.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program - 2019 $1,000.00
($100.00 designated through 2019 Giving Hearts Day event plus $100.00 Match.) Additional $800.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided funding for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program that mails free, high quality books to children from birth until they begin school, regardless of income. The goal is to provide books to youth in Towner County that might not otherwise have access.
Replacement of Patron Workstations - 2018 $1,000.00
($225.00 designated through 2018 Giving Hearts Day event and $225.00 Match, and $250.00 designated by Cecil Reid, Oldest Male Golfer during the July 21, 2018 Impact-Cando Connection Fund Golf Tournament.) Additional $300.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to replace four patron workstations and upgrade the wireless router. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Permanent Shelving for Non-Fiction Room - 2017 $1,000.00
($220.00 designated through 2017 Giving Hearts Day event and $220.00 Match.) Additional $560.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to replace the shelving in the Non-Fiction Room to provide a uniform set of shelves in the Cando Community Library. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Replacement of Patron Computer Stations - 2016
($1,000.00 designated by Hazel Krack as the 1,000th gift giver and $200.00 designated through the 2016 Giving Hearts Day event plus $200.00 Match.)
This grant provided partial funding to replace the current study carrels with small and newer units. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Permanent Shelving - 2015 $1,000.00
($220.00 designated through 2015 Giving Hearts Day event plus $220.00 Match, and $500.00 designated by the First Place Gross Team of Dale Axvig, Charlie Busche and Coy Papachek during the July 18, 2015 Impact-Cando Connection Golf Tournament.) Additional $60.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to gradually replace the shelving, providing a uniform set of shelves in the Cando Public Library. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Librarian Workstation - Part 2 - 2014
($175.00 designated through 2014 Giving Hearts Day event plus $175.00 Match.) Additional $150.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to complete a new librarian workstation, providing an opportunity to better organize that area of the library. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Librarian Workstation - 2013
($75.00 designated through 2013 Giving Hearts Day event plus $75.00 Match.) Additional $350.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to begin the purchase of a new librarian workstation, providing an opportunity to better organize that area of the library. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Children and Teens in the Library - 2012
This grant was awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board Members, made possible through the efforts of Hannah Alto, and the generous mentors and donors who supported her efforts to improve the Cando Community Library.
This grant was used for the Cando Community Library in three areas, including new shelves constructed for the Children and Teens’ Rooms; weekly reading program activities for the summer with supplies and prizes purchased for the program; and a Homework/Reading Room for teens. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Improvements to Permanent Fixtures - 2011 $1,000.00
Awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding to be used by the Cando Community Library to make improvements to the permanent fixtures (shelving) for the facility. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Improvements to Permanent Fixtures - 2009 $200.00 ($200.00 designated by Avis Keller, the Oldest Female Golfer during the July 4, 2009 Cando Connection Golf Tournament.)
This grant provided partial funding to be used by the Cando Community Library to make improvements to the permanent fixtures (shelving) for the facility. The Cando Community Library is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
Replacement of a Public Terminal - 2008 $1,000.00
Awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant replaced one public terminal (computer) at the Cando Community Library. The public terminal is available to the community, as well as anyone visiting or passing through the city.
City of Cando / Cando Fire Department
Purchase of Bunker Gear Set - 2024
($50.00 designated during 2024 Giving Hearts Day event plus $50.00 Match.) Additional $400.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant will provide partial funding for the purchase of a set of Bunker Gear. This type of equipment has an expiration date, and many of the sets the Cando Fire Department are using are outdated.
Flir K65 Thermal Imager - 2023
($50.00 designated during 2023 Giving Hearts Day event plus $50.00 match.) Additional $400.00 awarded by the Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board.
This grant provided partial funding for the purchase of a Flir K65 Thermal Imager, allowing firefighters to see more clearly in the harshest environments, maneuver more strategically, stay better oriented, and find victims in a fire faster.
SIRN2020 Plan for Interoperable Communications - 2022
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