Impact Foundation Executive Director - Pat Traynor, and Impact-Cando Connection Fund Advisory Board Members - Cindy Eggl, Jill Eggl, and Rusty Papachek |
Gathering for Instructions |
Special thanks to . . .
Melissa (Steele) St. Michaels for sharing her expert photography skills and capturing the fun and excitement on both days of our event. The Impact-Cando Connection Advisory Board also extends a sincere thank you to Roberta Mundahl, the Cando-area liaison for the Fund, the Cando Quasquicentennial Planning Committee, the Cando Golf Course Board and Management, R.J. Miller and his catering team, Impact Foundation Board of Directors - Pat Traynor, Dan Carey, and John Bertel, Impact Institute, American Diversity Business Solutions, the individuals who donated use of their golf carts during the two-day event, and the many other volunteers who worked to make this year's tournaments a success. We also appreciated the assistance of Matt Cook, PGA Golf Professional, at Rose Creek Golf Course for providing us with items for this year's tournament. All of your support was wonderful and very much appreciated and your GiveBack of time, talent, and treasure has been inspiring!
2009 Tournament Event Winners (Winners Highlighted in Blue)
Friday, July 3, 2009
First Place - Gross Team: Doug Eggl, Matt Eggl, Aaron Peyerl, and Reed Westlind $40.00 prize value per player $500.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winning team in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: NorthStar School District Foundation for the NorthStar Athletic Department
First Place - Net Team: Shannon Dennis, Tom Fritel, Joe Nicholas, and Walter Williams $40.00 prize value per player $500.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winning team in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: Towner County Medical Center
Tie - Second Place - Net Team: Dean Garber, Brad Bergdahl, John Davis, and Dan Kahl $30.00 prize value per player Tie - Second Place - Net Team: Kip Haugen, Wade Hendrickson, Coy Papachek, and Randy Papachek $30.00 prize value per player On Course Winners Longest Drive - Men: Mitch Brodell $25.00 prize value Longest Drive - Women: Kim Overton $25.00 prize value Closest to the Pin - Men: Jaimee Kegley $25.00 prize value Closest to the Pin - Women: Nicole Miller $25.00 prize value Longest Putt: Jac McTaggart $25.00 prize value
Odyssey Putter Winner (provided by the Towner County Medical Center): Nicole Miller Tie for Person Traveling the Farthest Distance: Cecil Reid - North Carolina $200.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winner in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: City of Cando for the Cando Golf Club
Kip Haugen - Texas $200.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winner in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: City of Cando for the Cando Hockey Arena
Oldest Golfer - Male: Cecil Reid $200.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winner in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: City of Cando for the Cando Golf Club
Oldest Golfer - Female: Mary Ellen Vaughan $200.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winner in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: Towner County Medical Center
Cooler Contest: Michael Brodell Rolling cooler for drive ending closest to the cooler
Split The Pot Contest: Brent Heisler 1/2 of the amount of the pot to the individual ending closest to the hole and the other 1/2 to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Tie - First Place - Gross Team: Pat Papachek, Coy Papachek, Randy Papachek, and Rusty Papachek $40.00 prize value per player $500.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winning team in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipients: Cando Arts Council and City of Cando for the Cando Golf Club
Tie - First Place - Gross Team: Lucas Holien, Jordan Houle, Jeff Sivertson, and Bobby Wolsky $40.00 prize value per player $500.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winning team in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: City of Cando for the Cando Golf Club
Second Place - Net Team: Luke Braun, Derek Paulson, Devin Tolstad, and Katie Wolsky $30.00 prize value per player Third Place - Net Team: Corey Hagler, Lonnie Komrosky, Tanner Komrosky, and Jesse Vote $20.00 prize value per player On Course Winners Tie - Longest Drive - Men: Luke Braun and Coy Papachek $25.00 prize value Longest Drive - Women: Katie Wolsky $25.00 prize value Closest to the Pin - Men: Jesse Vote $25.00 prize value Closest to the Pin - Women: (No winner) Longest Putt: Bruce Olsen $25.00 prize value
Odyssey Putter Winner (provided by the Towner County Medical Center): Coy Papachek Person Traveling the Farthest Distance: Tarra Miller - Florida $200.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winner in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: Cando Area Food Pantry
Oldest Golfer - Male: Bob Keller $200.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winner in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: City of Cando for the Cando Golf Club
Oldest Golfer - Female: Avis Keller $200.00 Impact-Cando Connection Fund grant, as designated by the winner in their name, to a Cando-area nonprofit/governmental entity Grant Recipient: City of Cando for the Cando Public Library
Cooler Contest: Larry Semrau Rolling cooler for drive ending closest to the cooler
Split The Pot Contest: Tanner Komrosky 1/2 of the amount of the pot to the individual ending closest to the hole and the other 1/2 to the Impact-Cando Connection Fund